Nana! or Najma!

she/her!! || minor || ind/little bit eng || enfp-t || 22/02!! || pisces || beginner artist


Yay :D
Drawing, listening music, cats, rabbit, any other cute animal
Nay :(
Being alone, loud noise, homework


bsd, aikatsu, ghibli, vnc, hnk
Comfort chara
dazai, chuuya, vanitas, luna (vampire blue moon), lily shirogane
Favorite chara
tsujimura, sigma, atsushi, diamond, antarticite, mizuki kanzaki


Pls dm or telling me if I did something wrong. My dm also always open for everyone and for anything. So don't be shy to talk to me (^∇^)

Thank you for reading my card ♡♡
Have a nice day